- Information systems and technology
- Mathematical modeling of technical systems and computational methods
- Systemic issues of constructing and modeling of information systems
- The methodology of software development and database management systems
- Information technology of software development of computer networks
- Information technology and tools design of computer networks
- Information technology in education
- Information security management
- Computer systems and components
- Hardware and software for specialized computer systems
- Hardware and software for embedded systems and robotics
- Methods and tools for the creation of parallel, distributed and reconfigurable computer systems
- Signal processing and information in specialized computer systems
- Design and modeling of computer systems and networks
- Monitoring and diagnostics of hardware and software computer systems and networks
- Hardware and software methods of information protection
- Wireless devices and telecommunication facilities
- Current and future radar systems
- Signal transmission and processing
- Hardware radioelectronic facilities
- Technology and communication
- Functional electronics. Micro- and Nanotechnology
- Functional micro- and nanoelectronics
- Photoelectric and acoustoelectronics
- Measuring converters, sensors
- Materials of micro- and nanoelectronics
- Physical phenomena in materials of electronic equipment and the technology of their production
- Technology of active medium of electronic equipment
- Nanoobjects, nanoceramics, nanocomposites
- Fundamental properties: crystalline, micro- and nanostructures
- Modeling of processes in oxide materials
- Defects, impurities and transport phenomena in oxide materials
- The theory, design and simulation of electronic devices
- Materials of quantum and optoelectronics
- Scintillation materials and radiation detectors
- Magnetic and magneto-optical converters
- Chemical sensors, catalysts and solid electrolytes
- Quantum-dimensional phenomenon, optical, photoelectric and magnetic properties of semiconductor crystals
- Production technology of electronic equipment materials